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» Lies Your Parents Told You
i saw the word condom in an advert n i asked my dad wot it meant. he said it was a memory card that worked on playstation, N64 and sega saturn. so l8r that day i ws in the street n i asked a stranger if he had a condom! he replyed 'no' with a shocked look on his face and i stook my tounge out and said 'haha im getin 1 4 xmas'!
(Sat 17th Jan 2004, 22:02, More)
i saw the word condom in an advert n i asked my dad wot it meant. he said it was a memory card that worked on playstation, N64 and sega saturn. so l8r that day i ws in the street n i asked a stranger if he had a condom! he replyed 'no' with a shocked look on his face and i stook my tounge out and said 'haha im getin 1 4 xmas'!
(Sat 17th Jan 2004, 22:02, More)