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Recent front page messages:
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» Breakin' The Law
Oh my god what will I tell my parents
Two of my housemates when I lived in Cape Town, decided to spend the night in one night smoking themselves into a complete and utter stupor.
The sitting room window opened onto an alleyway and during a moment of silence they suddenly heard the very telltale sound of a police radio. One of them decides the only sensible thing to do as they are obviously about to be raided is go throw the entire rather sizeable stash onto the railway line which runs past the back garden. On opening the back door he spots 3 coppers running across the back garden - handguns drawn. He then shits himself, closes back door and starts freaking out big stylee - hides the stash in a tupperware container in another tupperware container sticks it in another housemates room and climbs under his bed. My other housemate at this stage was in tears in the corridor going "oh my god what will I tell my parents'.
I then arrive home - see shit loads of police all over the place - and after the polite "what on earth is going on" conversation with the police turns out they had decided to do security crack down in the neighbourhood and thought our neighbours were being burgled. I then went inside to find the hysterical housemates and had the pleasure of breaking the news to them that they were not being raided and it had nothing to do with them in the first place.
They still love me for saving them.
(Thu 8th Jan 2004, 14:25, More)
Oh my god what will I tell my parents
Two of my housemates when I lived in Cape Town, decided to spend the night in one night smoking themselves into a complete and utter stupor.
The sitting room window opened onto an alleyway and during a moment of silence they suddenly heard the very telltale sound of a police radio. One of them decides the only sensible thing to do as they are obviously about to be raided is go throw the entire rather sizeable stash onto the railway line which runs past the back garden. On opening the back door he spots 3 coppers running across the back garden - handguns drawn. He then shits himself, closes back door and starts freaking out big stylee - hides the stash in a tupperware container in another tupperware container sticks it in another housemates room and climbs under his bed. My other housemate at this stage was in tears in the corridor going "oh my god what will I tell my parents'.
I then arrive home - see shit loads of police all over the place - and after the polite "what on earth is going on" conversation with the police turns out they had decided to do security crack down in the neighbourhood and thought our neighbours were being burgled. I then went inside to find the hysterical housemates and had the pleasure of breaking the news to them that they were not being raided and it had nothing to do with them in the first place.
They still love me for saving them.
(Thu 8th Jan 2004, 14:25, More)