Profile for treehugger anti-everything:
Yeah, I'm boring. Buh-Bye.....
and very very sleepy right now, i did have a pic here, but moved it. something will be along...soon.
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Yeah, I'm boring. Buh-Bye.....
and very very sleepy right now, i did have a pic here, but moved it. something will be along...soon.
Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» My Worst Vomit
A related tale
This is actually my friends sad tale, though i was there.
We went out, got sauced and staggered back to hers where we crashed. Suz felt a bit poorly during the night and being a lazy moo, plus not wanting to step on me (on the floor) she lifted the nearest receptacle and vomited away.
All was well and we decided to go out again the next night, and Suz opened her handbag in the pub...
(Sat 21st Aug 2004, 21:23, More)
A related tale
This is actually my friends sad tale, though i was there.
We went out, got sauced and staggered back to hers where we crashed. Suz felt a bit poorly during the night and being a lazy moo, plus not wanting to step on me (on the floor) she lifted the nearest receptacle and vomited away.
All was well and we decided to go out again the next night, and Suz opened her handbag in the pub...
(Sat 21st Aug 2004, 21:23, More)
» World's Most Hated Food
Another vote for Brussel Sprouts
Texture of a wet sock, taste like boiled hairspray, they contaminate everything else on the plate that they touch.
My mother is still convinced she'll find a way to cook them that will convert me. Covered in chocolate and wrapped in a tenner wouldn't be temptation enough.
Who the hell first grew one and thought "Ooh that looks like it'll be good to eat"?
Oh: they also look like shrunken boiled zombie heads!
(Mon 12th Jul 2004, 12:52, More)
Another vote for Brussel Sprouts
Texture of a wet sock, taste like boiled hairspray, they contaminate everything else on the plate that they touch.
My mother is still convinced she'll find a way to cook them that will convert me. Covered in chocolate and wrapped in a tenner wouldn't be temptation enough.
Who the hell first grew one and thought "Ooh that looks like it'll be good to eat"?
Oh: they also look like shrunken boiled zombie heads!
(Mon 12th Jul 2004, 12:52, More)