Profile for King In Crimson:
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Best answers to questions:
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- a member for 21 years, 2 months and 3 days
- has posted 669 messages on the main board
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- has posted 27 stories and 0 replies on question of the week
- They liked 23 pictures, 1 links, 0 talk posts, and 7 qotw answers.
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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» Hidden Treasure
I once found an envelope.
There was a kid's birthday card and a tenner in it. Score.
(Thu 30th Jun 2005, 13:48, More)
I once found an envelope.
There was a kid's birthday card and a tenner in it. Score.
(Thu 30th Jun 2005, 13:48, More)
» The last thing that made me cry
I have no eyes, you insensitive bastards.
I have teh braille interweb...yeah...that's it. I definitely not lying.
(Fri 15th Apr 2005, 15:56, More)
I have no eyes, you insensitive bastards.
I have teh braille interweb...yeah...that's it. I definitely not lying.
(Fri 15th Apr 2005, 15:56, More)
» Losing Your Virginity
I still have mine. I do wank an awful lot, though.
(Sun 6th Mar 2005, 21:59, More)
I still have mine. I do wank an awful lot, though.
(Sun 6th Mar 2005, 21:59, More)
» Little things that turn you on
The thought
of a lovely lady (preferably nicley norked and topless) making me a large and delicious cheese sandwich turns me on something shocking. Mmm...topless norky sandwichy sexiness.
Also, remember the porno lady with two toes? The two toes bit was a bit of turn on, I must confess.
(Thu 17th Feb 2005, 16:55, More)
The thought
of a lovely lady (preferably nicley norked and topless) making me a large and delicious cheese sandwich turns me on something shocking. Mmm...topless norky sandwichy sexiness.
Also, remember the porno lady with two toes? The two toes bit was a bit of turn on, I must confess.
(Thu 17th Feb 2005, 16:55, More)
» Premonitions
Last night I dreamt that I fell down, and kept on falling.
I'm going climbing tommorrow. Fuck.
(Thu 18th Nov 2004, 21:11, More)
Last night I dreamt that I fell down, and kept on falling.
I'm going climbing tommorrow. Fuck.
(Thu 18th Nov 2004, 21:11, More)