b3ta.com user DragonTycoon
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» Lies Your Parents Told You

my parents used to say...
first off, my dad was really the the only lying parent (my mom won't even lie about the santa thing - she just changed the subject) However, he never lied about the regular things, but he DID do some pretty evil things to me and my brother.

First off, when we were babies and there was a REALLY loud, annoying toy, he would take it, take the batteries out, and when we tried to make it talk or whatever, he'd say "Oops, broken."

Second, one day when he was three my little bro randomly asked him "Daddy, what does gullible mean?"
Naturally, my dad answered "Smart and handsome"
For the longest time, when anyone called him gullible, he said "Yup, smart and handsome!"

Finally, whenever my little bro and I wouldn't play with our toys (new ones), wouldnt put toys away, or were just being little snots he would threaten us with a big, green bag that he would use to throw away our toys.

Not sure if this one counts as a lie or not. When my little brother wouldn't get up (my dad didn't pick on me too often... I think...), he would threaten him with icecubes down the back of his shirt. Only had to do it once.
(Sun 18th Jan 2004, 1:21, More)