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- a member for 21 years, 1 month and 17 days
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» The most cash I've ever carried
200 thousand of your finest english pounds.
My first job was as a messenger in the mid 80's for a brokers in London. I didn't realise at the time that the owners were insider trading, and that this money was profits from an "offshore" account they had created (so no tax paid either). I basically had to go to a local bank, and carry it back in a suitcase, shitting myself.
I fume now everytime I realise that they sacked me for taking a sickie, when I could have reported them and got the fuckers in jail.
(Thu 22nd Jun 2006, 12:06, More)
200 thousand of your finest english pounds.
My first job was as a messenger in the mid 80's for a brokers in London. I didn't realise at the time that the owners were insider trading, and that this money was profits from an "offshore" account they had created (so no tax paid either). I basically had to go to a local bank, and carry it back in a suitcase, shitting myself.
I fume now everytime I realise that they sacked me for taking a sickie, when I could have reported them and got the fuckers in jail.
(Thu 22nd Jun 2006, 12:06, More)