b3ta.com user dillinja
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» Evil Pranks

Evil son/big brother
I had such a twisted mind when I was a young 'un.
I was about 7 once upon a time, and was upstairs farting about when I heard my mother downstairs talking on the phone (which was located just at the foor of the steps).
So I came up with the idea of dressing my 2-year old sisters large doll (which was roughly the same height as her) in her clothes.
Standing at the top of the stairs (this was a time when stair gates were just a fad), I let the doll tumble down, not before roaring out my sisters name and letting out a scream. My poor mother didnt really recover from the fright until a week later.

A few years later, the film "Childs Play" comes out to big controversy and coincidentally, my sister gets one of those Corky dolls (red hair, moving mouth, tape player in the back). So yes, I recorded my own tape full of sinister threats (trying imitate Corkys voice) and she suffered from bed wetting for a few months after.

My poor family. :(
(Thu 13th Dec 2007, 15:30, More)

» When were you last really scared?

In my grans house in
ireland when I was a kid. She was a typical Irish grandmother - sweet, absolutly doting and also very Catholic. As such, there were that many crosses and virgin Marys hanging from the wall that even the pope would consider it a bit over-the-top.

In the spare bedroom, where me and my two sisters slept when sent down to stay with her, there was a large black wooden fireguard with a white image of Jesus's face just as he was about to croke, with blood pouring from his crown.

Fucking hell, it was scary to look at in the day, but at night, the room was pitchblack apart from the moonlight hitting the fireplace and the luminous Christ in the corner.

The first night I noticed this is the same night I noticed that Jesus really scares the bejahsus out of me.

Length? Jesus wouldnt let me measure the fireguard.
(Wed 28th Feb 2007, 14:57, More)