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- a member for 21 years, 2 months and 0 days
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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» Obscure Memorabilia
i have a packet of monster munch that went out of date in
november of 1998
not really to do with the question - but it is my lucky packet of crisps :)
(Thu 4th Nov 2004, 11:43, More)
i have a packet of monster munch that went out of date in
november of 1998
not really to do with the question - but it is my lucky packet of crisps :)
(Thu 4th Nov 2004, 11:43, More)
» Impromptu Games You Play
Shish Kibab !
My game was invented during english as a way to get rid of the tedium. its basically a game of nerve in which u nominate a person in the room as the leader (usually the teacher) then u must say shish kibab and see if she notices and then the next person says shish kibab louder until eventually one person bottles out or the teacher notices. it works best to start of quietly and try and wait for oppertune times rather than just resulting to shouting straight away. u would not believe how loud we would say Shish Kibab. Other variations include saying "my what nice thighs u have" and "mimsy"
(Mon 29th Mar 2004, 21:43, More)
Shish Kibab !
My game was invented during english as a way to get rid of the tedium. its basically a game of nerve in which u nominate a person in the room as the leader (usually the teacher) then u must say shish kibab and see if she notices and then the next person says shish kibab louder until eventually one person bottles out or the teacher notices. it works best to start of quietly and try and wait for oppertune times rather than just resulting to shouting straight away. u would not believe how loud we would say Shish Kibab. Other variations include saying "my what nice thighs u have" and "mimsy"
(Mon 29th Mar 2004, 21:43, More)
» Pure Ignorance
is that in the uk ?
do they grow on trees ?
my bluetooth doesnt work - i wonder if its the milk ?
(above all coments from flat mates)
(Thu 6th Jan 2005, 23:08, More)
is that in the uk ?
do they grow on trees ?
my bluetooth doesnt work - i wonder if its the milk ?
(above all coments from flat mates)
(Thu 6th Jan 2005, 23:08, More)
» Out of my depth
out of my depth
lets see ..
it was my 18th birthday about a week ago - being a weird little borkin boy i had never drunk or been to a nightclub before
i had about 5 people buying me drinks all night in and around a nightclub
results ?
not surprisingly - i got very very drunked -however i do recall seeing 'weebl' scratched into the metal of the toilets in the nightclub - will any b3tan own up to this ?
(Thu 14th Oct 2004, 19:10, More)
out of my depth
lets see ..
it was my 18th birthday about a week ago - being a weird little borkin boy i had never drunk or been to a nightclub before
i had about 5 people buying me drinks all night in and around a nightclub
results ?
not surprisingly - i got very very drunked -however i do recall seeing 'weebl' scratched into the metal of the toilets in the nightclub - will any b3tan own up to this ?
(Thu 14th Oct 2004, 19:10, More)