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» Slang Survey
Currently using:
'Oh Hi!!!' - said in a camp fashion to denote something or someone who is camp. Usually accompanied by a limp wrist action.
Muddy Funster - Mother Fu...
Melon Farmer - see above
A phone related one I got from my younger brother.
To Prank: Verb; the action of ringing a persons phone a couple of times then hanging up. Used to indicate that you are outside or waiting in a predefined place. Use; I'll pick you up in 10 minutes, I'll prank you when I'm outside.
Various lines from Withnail are also dropped into conversation. Not new but...
'Balls!' - used as required
Shouts of 'SCRUBBERS!' from a moving car at overdressed ladies walking to the pub / club.
(Mon 2nd Feb 2004, 17:00, More)
Currently using:
'Oh Hi!!!' - said in a camp fashion to denote something or someone who is camp. Usually accompanied by a limp wrist action.
Muddy Funster - Mother Fu...
Melon Farmer - see above
A phone related one I got from my younger brother.
To Prank: Verb; the action of ringing a persons phone a couple of times then hanging up. Used to indicate that you are outside or waiting in a predefined place. Use; I'll pick you up in 10 minutes, I'll prank you when I'm outside.
Various lines from Withnail are also dropped into conversation. Not new but...
'Balls!' - used as required
Shouts of 'SCRUBBERS!' from a moving car at overdressed ladies walking to the pub / club.
(Mon 2nd Feb 2004, 17:00, More)
» Irrational Fears
I am scared of
moths, I think they will land in my mouth as I sleep. Also, the constant banging into things. I am slightly embarrassed about this one.
edit - I see I am not alone
(Wed 28th Jan 2004, 16:56, More)
I am scared of
moths, I think they will land in my mouth as I sleep. Also, the constant banging into things. I am slightly embarrassed about this one.
edit - I see I am not alone
(Wed 28th Jan 2004, 16:56, More)