b3ta.com user etherbunny
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» When animals attack...

fish with spines and reptiles with halitosis
Once got stung by a thing called a weeverfish while attempting to learn to use a body board.
It was so amazingly agonisingly painful that I thought I'd had half of my foot bitten off by a shark. Instead found two small punctures on my toes. A friend then proceeded to pour scalding hot water from a flask (that he brought just in case such an emergency happened) over my foot and the pain immedately went. A week later half of my foot went black and I had to get pumped full of anti-biotics.

Other than that theres my friend's pet tegu. At least thats what she says it is. I think its actually a velociraptor. They don't have any venom because they have so much bacteria in their mouths that they just have to bite something once and then follow it around for a while until it dies of the infection. Anyway it bit me.... hand went black.... anti-biotics.
(Thu 2nd Jun 2005, 22:38, More)