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» Pet Names
pet names
We have had two cats for a couple of years now that laze about and do nothing but sponge off us, so we named them charlie and millie after prince charles and his gorgeous(!)girlfriend camilla parker "bowels".
Somehow, we've ended up also calling Charlie as Charlie Brown, (which became Mr Brown), Lord Charles, or the President( after Charles de Gaulle).
We recently acquired a third one (sounds a bit suss that doesn't it,"acquired" but we paid twenty quid for it, all above board). The obvious thing to do with it being a lady cat was to call it diana so that it Charles, Camilla, and Diana could all co-exist peacefully together, but my good lady wouldn't let me call it that.
Much debate ensued-for a wee cat it had quite a pronounced rear end, so I thought J-Lo was a good name but that was binned too.
We've ended up with a cat called Meryl, which people might assume was named after Meryl Streep, but that's not the case.
Anyone who remembers the two old nutters that worked in the Charity Shop in The League of Gentlemen TV Series will recall they always blamed anything bad that happened on "that Meryl", the other old dear that worked in the shop that you never saw or met.
Meryl is a nutter of a cat, just a kitten still really, and gives the other two a torrid time, and generally tries to destroy everything it finds.
So, ripped up newspapers and magazines, flowers ripped to bits, washing pulled off clothes racks and re-distributed around the room, etc are all met with the cry "THAT MERYL!!!!!!"
(Thu 26th Feb 2004, 9:27, More)
pet names
We have had two cats for a couple of years now that laze about and do nothing but sponge off us, so we named them charlie and millie after prince charles and his gorgeous(!)girlfriend camilla parker "bowels".
Somehow, we've ended up also calling Charlie as Charlie Brown, (which became Mr Brown), Lord Charles, or the President( after Charles de Gaulle).
We recently acquired a third one (sounds a bit suss that doesn't it,"acquired" but we paid twenty quid for it, all above board). The obvious thing to do with it being a lady cat was to call it diana so that it Charles, Camilla, and Diana could all co-exist peacefully together, but my good lady wouldn't let me call it that.
Much debate ensued-for a wee cat it had quite a pronounced rear end, so I thought J-Lo was a good name but that was binned too.
We've ended up with a cat called Meryl, which people might assume was named after Meryl Streep, but that's not the case.
Anyone who remembers the two old nutters that worked in the Charity Shop in The League of Gentlemen TV Series will recall they always blamed anything bad that happened on "that Meryl", the other old dear that worked in the shop that you never saw or met.
Meryl is a nutter of a cat, just a kitten still really, and gives the other two a torrid time, and generally tries to destroy everything it finds.
So, ripped up newspapers and magazines, flowers ripped to bits, washing pulled off clothes racks and re-distributed around the room, etc are all met with the cry "THAT MERYL!!!!!!"
(Thu 26th Feb 2004, 9:27, More)