Profile for zebmeister69uk:
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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» World's Most Hated Food
What about the good stuff?
i am getting this urge to tell you all about the foods that rock! I cant help it. Sorry gotta do it......Marmite.. My mate
(Tue 13th Jul 2004, 22:05, More)
What about the good stuff?
i am getting this urge to tell you all about the foods that rock! I cant help it. Sorry gotta do it......Marmite.. My mate
(Tue 13th Jul 2004, 22:05, More)
» World's Most Hated Food
Broad beans and beetroot.
Both totally inedible. Both look disgusting. Both taste like shit. Dont go there!!!!
(Tue 13th Jul 2004, 21:57, More)
Broad beans and beetroot.
Both totally inedible. Both look disgusting. Both taste like shit. Dont go there!!!!
(Tue 13th Jul 2004, 21:57, More)