b3ta.com user joolyknockers
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» Have you ever started a fire?

I did a good un
I left a candle burning in an ashtray full of rizlas. The candle burned down, the rizla caught fire, the ashtray exploded and set light to a pile of magazines. The magazines were by the bed. The bed caught on fire with me and my partner in it it. I woke up to a room full of smoke, I really thought I had died and gone to heaven when I woke up to that.

Anyhow, we made it out the room and managed to put the fire out. For some reason we threw the still smoking mattress out the window and onto the flat belows conservatory roof. Then we both went out for the day, came back about 4pm to find three fire engines outside the flats. The mattress had burst back into flames and scared the crap out the neighbours. Our landlord was not best pleased with us.
(Tue 2nd Mar 2004, 21:26, More)