b3ta.com user jonesy
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» I hurt my rude bits

bits in pain
I read about this one in a medical book....A couple arrived at A&E, him with a very badly bleeding crotch & her with a bleeding head wound. After much coaxing from the nurses they finally revealed what had happened. They were out for dinner & the lady decided to give her boyfriend a "special blowjob dessert" under the table. While she was noshing away she had a gran mal seisure clamping down on his poor todger, the only way he could get her to let go was to stab her in the head repeatedly with a dessert fork....ouch!
(Fri 14th Jul 2006, 17:34, More)

» Best Graffiti Ever

mudwig graffitti
There is another mudwig piece on a wall in stokes croft bristol which says mudwig hurt my quim.
(Fri 4th May 2007, 15:33, More)

» Old People Talk Bollocks

my nan never asks if its raining, she always says "do it rain"
Also my grandad was wearing some nice trousers & when asked what make they were my nan said "they 're gucky" She meant gucci
(Fri 12th Mar 2004, 17:34, More)