b3ta.com user ichabod_cooper
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Profile for ichabod_cooper:
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Hello. I like bats.

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Best answers to questions:

» Impromptu Games You Play

it sounds very sad...
and is. Incredibly so.

But this is real. My girlf and various of our mates play a game called 'Raisin or panda'.

One person asks the question ("Raisin or panda?") while everyone else guesses.

The person says which they were thinking about.

Game over.
(Mon 29th Mar 2004, 20:44, More)

» Useless Information

Splitting the atom
Can be done easily if you're a bit lucky with an axe.
(Mon 21st Mar 2005, 17:01, More)

» Impromptu Games You Play

Alright it maybe didn't happen in *every* one, but...
... during my psychology degree exams, I used to play 'make up the psychologist(s)'. I'd remembered in A-level classes that our tutor said you could "probably just make up some names and dates for a study... as long as it makes some kinda sense..."

What a field day I had...specially as 'real' psychologists always seem to have fuck-ridiculous names *anyway*, the joy of imagining some crumpled old academic marker reading that

"Obadiah-Lollipop & Finsherd (1995) showed that memory can be positively influenced by the appearance of ginger biscuits"

... was absolutely lovely.

Shame about that 3rd class classification then really...
(Mon 29th Mar 2004, 20:39, More)

» I just don't get it

People who
say things like 'I don't understand what "________(insert simple word)_____" means.
For JesusMaryandJoseph's sake, look it up on a fucking search engine!! Or are these people either too stupid to realise they're already online or too lazy to read a few things and put the simple word in context?

(Fri 1st Apr 2005, 9:15, More)

» Useless Information

Cannot do the buttons on their dresses up themselves, or fasten more than one button on another witch's dress.
Hence why they travel in sixes. And get a bit twitchy when near a haberdasher.
(Mon 21st Mar 2005, 16:58, More)
[read all their answers]