Profile for kingsuperspecial:
PSN id : kingsuperspecial
XBox-Live: thefilthyape
Dbroon is GOD

Hey! I was pixelated by the wonderfully talented FoldsFive
In fact I'm in his conga line!!!
I won Lunch of the Day 21/12/06 for "triple decker bbq crisp sandwiches and a ton of pickled onions"
and again on 22/12/11 for "Peppered Ham, Tomato and Steak & Onion Crisp sandwich with silverskin pickled onions washed down with some Levi Roots Spicy Tomato Juice drink" (I see a pattern emerging here)

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- a member for 21 years, 0 months and 1 day
- has posted 10945 messages on the main board
- (of which 3 have appeared on the front page)
- has posted 5 messages on the talk board
- has posted 5 messages on the links board
- has posted 1 stories and 1 replies on question of the week
- They liked 1392 pictures, 20 links, 0 talk posts, and 20 qotw answers. [RSS feed]
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PSN id : kingsuperspecial
XBox-Live: thefilthyape
Dbroon is GOD

Hey! I was pixelated by the wonderfully talented FoldsFive

I won Lunch of the Day 21/12/06 for "triple decker bbq crisp sandwiches and a ton of pickled onions"
and again on 22/12/11 for "Peppered Ham, Tomato and Steak & Onion Crisp sandwich with silverskin pickled onions washed down with some Levi Roots Spicy Tomato Juice drink" (I see a pattern emerging here)

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