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» Impromptu Games You Play
They just keep coming today!
This one was from the Leeds Festival last year...
We called it "Roll Down The Hill" and the object was to get as many people to roll down the dirt hill that lead to our camp. We were doing rather well, with me on 20 and my friend on 15, until the police turned up and started arresting the rollers.
Then began the "Get People Arrested" game. Which was very similar to the above game, only that the rollers got kicked out of the festival. To get around it we had to come up with increasingly strange excuses for the arrests, my fave was my mates response of "Oh the police? Thye're here so no-one gets hurt."
Sorry to anyone who missed saturday and sunday of leeds due to this game...
(Thu 1st Apr 2004, 14:17, More)
They just keep coming today!
This one was from the Leeds Festival last year...
We called it "Roll Down The Hill" and the object was to get as many people to roll down the dirt hill that lead to our camp. We were doing rather well, with me on 20 and my friend on 15, until the police turned up and started arresting the rollers.
Then began the "Get People Arrested" game. Which was very similar to the above game, only that the rollers got kicked out of the festival. To get around it we had to come up with increasingly strange excuses for the arrests, my fave was my mates response of "Oh the police? Thye're here so no-one gets hurt."
Sorry to anyone who missed saturday and sunday of leeds due to this game...
(Thu 1st Apr 2004, 14:17, More)
» Impromptu Games You Play
The Glass of Gay/ The Tumbler of Un-Gay
Invented backstage at my friends bands gig in Liverpool. After covering the walls of the dressing room in random drawings we moved onto the mugs. My mate filled one with some beer and wrote on it
"He who drinketh from the Glass of Gay, will forever be known as gay."
The filling the other with tea (made from boiled sprite...not the nicest thing in the world)
"He lies the tumbler of un-gay, drinketh from this to reverse the effects"
Suffice to say that the rest of the night was spent hiding the tumbler of un-gay from people.
(Thu 1st Apr 2004, 14:07, More)
The Glass of Gay/ The Tumbler of Un-Gay
Invented backstage at my friends bands gig in Liverpool. After covering the walls of the dressing room in random drawings we moved onto the mugs. My mate filled one with some beer and wrote on it
"He who drinketh from the Glass of Gay, will forever be known as gay."
The filling the other with tea (made from boiled sprite...not the nicest thing in the world)
"He lies the tumbler of un-gay, drinketh from this to reverse the effects"
Suffice to say that the rest of the night was spent hiding the tumbler of un-gay from people.
(Thu 1st Apr 2004, 14:07, More)
» Impromptu Games You Play
The Harry Potter Game
this is more of a drinking game we played once, but now we play to constantly.
Watch the Harry Potter films, or read aloud from the books. And whenever the words Harry, Potter, Hermione, Ron, Draco, Muggle, Dumbledore are mentioned you take one drink. If Voldemort is mentioned you must finish the whole drink.
It was like dying.
(Mon 29th Mar 2004, 19:59, More)
The Harry Potter Game
this is more of a drinking game we played once, but now we play to constantly.
Watch the Harry Potter films, or read aloud from the books. And whenever the words Harry, Potter, Hermione, Ron, Draco, Muggle, Dumbledore are mentioned you take one drink. If Voldemort is mentioned you must finish the whole drink.
It was like dying.
(Mon 29th Mar 2004, 19:59, More)
» Impromptu Games You Play
Two quick ones
Two games:
Me and a friend played one at a house party a while back. The house had three huge floors, with a ton of closed doors, and we stood on the top floor, placing bets as to which couple were in which room.
Once bets were placed, we went to each room in turn and opened the door, the one who guessed the most incorrectly, had to barge into the room of the winners choice and make conversation with the couple in there.
Game number two was inspired by the terrible driving skills of a friend who had crashed three cars in as many months. Everyone in our year placed bets as to when he would crash his fourth car, each putting £1 into a jar. The winner would get all the money, plus the chance to nominate one of the many losers to deflate said cars tyres and wrap clingfilm round it.
Oh the fun.
(Thu 1st Apr 2004, 13:56, More)
Two quick ones
Two games:
Me and a friend played one at a house party a while back. The house had three huge floors, with a ton of closed doors, and we stood on the top floor, placing bets as to which couple were in which room.
Once bets were placed, we went to each room in turn and opened the door, the one who guessed the most incorrectly, had to barge into the room of the winners choice and make conversation with the couple in there.
Game number two was inspired by the terrible driving skills of a friend who had crashed three cars in as many months. Everyone in our year placed bets as to when he would crash his fourth car, each putting £1 into a jar. The winner would get all the money, plus the chance to nominate one of the many losers to deflate said cars tyres and wrap clingfilm round it.
Oh the fun.
(Thu 1st Apr 2004, 13:56, More)