b3ta.com user falic
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i bet you're glad you looked here

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Best answers to questions:

» Housemates from hell

i guess you had to be there
my girlfriend's ex-housemates were a different class of human being. besides having shared baths and done a burnout with a motorcross bike in the hallway, they cut down a resonably sized tree from the garden to use as a christmas tree and set light to each others' hair (head and pubic) on many occasions.

the one incident that stands out above all though, is when i walked into the bathroom to witness one such housemate eating a can of cold beans, downing a can of 'K' cider (8.4% ?) then proceeding to puke beans+cider over his naked mate who was in the bath.

a week later the same kid was seen downstairs in the kitchen pissing into a bin then tipping the bin upside down on his head. needless to say he's now a heroin addict crawling around croydon somewhere.
(Sat 7th Apr 2007, 23:15, More)

» Spoooky Coincidence

What are the odds?
Was playing monopoly with the girlfriend over Christmas and I rolled a pair of sixes. Quite chuffed by this cuz it took me over her hotels nicely. Next throw I get another pair of sixes. This time I'm just quite amazed at the odds and don't care that I have to cough up a load for landing on her property. I have another roll and fuck me - another pair of sixes. I can't be bothered to work out the odds but it must be pretty high to roll 1/6 * 1/6 * 1/6 * 1/6 * 1/6 * 1/6

I went to jail for it though. Balls.
(Fri 9th Feb 2007, 14:38, More)