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» Shit Stories
My brother used to stay on the Isle of Arran, one night his mate got off with one of the many tourists. Unfortunately, he had too much to drink, in the midst of making wild passionate sex with the young woman; he threw up all over her and went to sleep. Obviously, this did not go down too well with the charming girl, as you would expect. On awaking the following morning, my brother’s mate discovered a huge shit placed perfectly in the middle of his chest. Nice one…….
(Fri 7th May 2004, 16:18, More)
My brother used to stay on the Isle of Arran, one night his mate got off with one of the many tourists. Unfortunately, he had too much to drink, in the midst of making wild passionate sex with the young woman; he threw up all over her and went to sleep. Obviously, this did not go down too well with the charming girl, as you would expect. On awaking the following morning, my brother’s mate discovered a huge shit placed perfectly in the middle of his chest. Nice one…….
(Fri 7th May 2004, 16:18, More)