b3ta.com user Mr Man
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Best answers to questions:

» Have you ever paid for sex?

Have i ever paid 4 sex
lets total this months cash layout. £90 pair of boots £139.99 for a dress.Her car needed a service last week for £310. Get married my friends and you will every week for the rest of your days.
But im not bitter
. bitch
(Mon 23rd Jan 2006, 15:11, More)

» Where is the strangest place you have slept?

Must have seemed like a good idea at the time
When i was 17 i woke up in one of those council waste paper recycling skips .I must have climbed in after a heavy nights cider drinking in the park.
An elderly couple were doing their bit throwing their old copies of the mail in and were not to happy to find me there.
I told them to fuck off .

Oh the lost Innocence of youth
(Wed 3rd Jan 2007, 20:41, More)