b3ta.com user extreme pete
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» Shit Stories

This happened to a mate of mine while at uni
He lived in a student house with a bunch of psychos. The house was always a left like it had been in several earthquakes, and one of the guys he lived with hated this. So one day he decided to go into my mates room with a dinner plate, clear a space in the middle of the floor, drop trou, squeeze out a cleveland steamer on the plate and place the plate on the floor.

One of the other factors in this tale is that it was the height of summer and the windows never opened in his room.

Therefore on my mates return his room smelt like medieval sewer.

The moral of the story; tidy your room or people will shit in it!
(Thu 6th May 2004, 17:04, More)

» Best Comebacks

worst comeback - really lame comeback!!
Often used for any argument, insult or even a normal question


"What the hell are you doing?"
REPLY "Your Mum!!"

"You utter twat!!"
REPLY "Your Mum!!"

"What time is it?"
REPLY "Your Mum!!"
(Fri 30th Apr 2004, 14:46, More)