b3ta.com user Dr D
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» Shit Stories

Here boy
When I was about 17 two friends and I returned to my parents house from the pub.

They went into the kitchen to get some toast and I went to see if anyone was still up, luckily my parents had gone to bed.

So I came down and saw they were talking and eating with their back to me, and our dog was standing next to them looking my direction. I decided to give them a shock by jumping into the kitchen with my pants down and farting on the dogs head (seemed like a good idea at the time).

Down came my trousers. I leapt into the kitchen shouting 'AH HA' to get their attention, attempted to fart on the dog, but followed through. The dogs head was covered in shit and I had it running down my legs.

Suffice to say everyone I had ever met was told about this, and I'm still waiting for a knock on the door from the RSPCA.
(Fri 7th May 2004, 10:40, More)