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- a member for 20 years, 10 months and 15 days
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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» I'm Sorry I've Written A Joke
I entered my dog at Crufts
I got six months and a lifetime pet ban
(Sat 1st Dec 2018, 0:49, More)
I entered my dog at Crufts
I got six months and a lifetime pet ban
(Sat 1st Dec 2018, 0:49, More)
» Petty Sabotage
bored firefighters
another good one for the IT illiterate is to fix sellotape over the mouseball...
or else prise off the letters on the keyboard and arrange them alphabetically...
(Fri 6th May 2005, 23:55, More)
bored firefighters
another good one for the IT illiterate is to fix sellotape over the mouseball...
or else prise off the letters on the keyboard and arrange them alphabetically...
(Fri 6th May 2005, 23:55, More)
» Petty Sabotage
bored firefighters
an open tin of cat food in the suspended ceiling can cause hours of fun for the day crew and hours of lost sleep for the night shift...
(Sat 7th May 2005, 2:02, More)
bored firefighters
an open tin of cat food in the suspended ceiling can cause hours of fun for the day crew and hours of lost sleep for the night shift...
(Sat 7th May 2005, 2:02, More)
» Petty Sabotage
bored firefighters
on a night shift you can take the fuses out of the kettle plugs
and on a day shift esp in summer take the igniters out of the strip lights, hide one of the coloured snooker balls, apply pritt stick to the table tennis balls, half remove the bottom of the hole punch so it sprays small paper circles everywhere....schomebody schtop me...
(Sat 7th May 2005, 1:53, More)
bored firefighters
on a night shift you can take the fuses out of the kettle plugs
and on a day shift esp in summer take the igniters out of the strip lights, hide one of the coloured snooker balls, apply pritt stick to the table tennis balls, half remove the bottom of the hole punch so it sprays small paper circles everywhere....schomebody schtop me...
(Sat 7th May 2005, 1:53, More)
» Petty Sabotage
bored firefighters
sorry if this has been already posted... but the ultimate act of petty sabotage is to hide the remote controls from the night shift.
(Fri 6th May 2005, 23:49, More)
bored firefighters
sorry if this has been already posted... but the ultimate act of petty sabotage is to hide the remote controls from the night shift.
(Fri 6th May 2005, 23:49, More)