b3ta.com user the monk
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» My Worst Vomit

ohhh and another one
One of my good friends whos very small and a real lightweight tried to drink a whole bottle of vodka. He got halfway though it before the host of the party threw him out for breaking a glass vase. I decided to walk him home cos' he was to far gone to get there by him self, i had help from another one of is mates. any way we are walking down this street with parked cars either side of him and he tells us he needs to take a piss. Instead of trying to find a bush or tree we just prop him up against a bmw where he pisses all over the bonnet, he then zips up and pukes on the bonnet making a nice mixture of piss and sick on someones car.

Then as we are walking up the road we pass a couple walking the opposite direction they ask us if we need any help, we decline saying his house is just a bit further down anyway i look back at the couple and as it turns out the BMW was theirs luckerly they didn't realise that it was my mat doing the puking.lol
(Fri 20th Aug 2004, 10:20, More)

» My Worst Vomit

ohhhh i just remembered another one
Last year i had to deal with a really enoyying french teacher who was a total bitch. At the end of the year the entire french class decided we would do something really nasty to her beloved carpet. It was allready halfway through the lesson and we were struggerling to think of something to do and then i thought of the perfect thing, we would all make ourselfs puke on her carpet and then say we can't stand seeing people be sick.
The Message was passed round and the moment the teacher turned to face the bourd i coughed( that being the signal to start) and about 15 of my class mates puked.
There was puke everywhere on chairs, desks and most importantly her fucking carpet! HAH
(Fri 20th Aug 2004, 9:53, More)

» People with Stupid Names

In the current olympics there is an american gymnast called something cockburn lol sorry i couldn't remember the first name. she won gold in team gymnastics
(Sun 29th Aug 2004, 20:57, More)

» My Worst Vomit

Sick up your sleeve
A couple of years back i went on skiing holiday with a couple of mates and on the last day we all got a bit wankered. We were into the second bar of the night and as we got up to leave, one of my friends realised he had to puke so instead of bathing all over the bar floor he decided to quickly undo his ski jacket, put it over his head and then be sick into the sleeve of the coat and then procceed to zip up the coat and walk calmly out of the bar as if nothin had happened.
unfortunatly he had borrowed the coat of my brother so had to buy him a replacement lol.
(Fri 20th Aug 2004, 9:20, More)