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» Stuff You've Overheard
cocking terrific
I was at college the other day, walking past a small group of hip first year students (the type who play Magic: The Gathering) (no offence) and over heard one of the chaps say, 'If I had 3 million quid Id buy a laser beam' to which one of the girls he was with replied 'A laser beam? Fuck that! Id buy a lot of cock!'
Good for her.
(Thu 10th Jun 2004, 21:21, More)
cocking terrific
I was at college the other day, walking past a small group of hip first year students (the type who play Magic: The Gathering) (no offence) and over heard one of the chaps say, 'If I had 3 million quid Id buy a laser beam' to which one of the girls he was with replied 'A laser beam? Fuck that! Id buy a lot of cock!'
Good for her.
(Thu 10th Jun 2004, 21:21, More)
» Obscure Memorabilia
My Dad...
My dear pa used to live in a flat in london below Brian May when they were just getting famous as Queen. Well, my father used to be kept up with all their gay bum antics and noisy praticing, so used to regularly bang on the celing to get them to keep it down. And further more my dads friend used to live in the boiler room of this block of flats and hang up his underpants in their to dry. For some reason Brian May was furious at this, because he wanted his rock and roll pals to sleep in the boiler room.
Anyway, my dad was given a copy of Queens 'A night at the Opera' by Brian Mays girlfriend, who apparently used to rather like my dad.
Well, there it is. A pointless true story.................But at least its got underpants in it.
(Sun 7th Nov 2004, 17:24, More)
My Dad...
My dear pa used to live in a flat in london below Brian May when they were just getting famous as Queen. Well, my father used to be kept up with all their gay bum antics and noisy praticing, so used to regularly bang on the celing to get them to keep it down. And further more my dads friend used to live in the boiler room of this block of flats and hang up his underpants in their to dry. For some reason Brian May was furious at this, because he wanted his rock and roll pals to sleep in the boiler room.
Anyway, my dad was given a copy of Queens 'A night at the Opera' by Brian Mays girlfriend, who apparently used to rather like my dad.
Well, there it is. A pointless true story.................But at least its got underpants in it.
(Sun 7th Nov 2004, 17:24, More)
» Encounters with Royalty
princess margret, or anne....the one that is still alive
i met a year or so back. i was dressed up as a member of the gentry from around the time of the battle of trafalgar in a historical recreation scene at the international festival of the sea in portsmouth. anyway, she came down to see things, and she came over to say hello to me and this girl i was supposed to be marrying in this little reinactment. she then proceded to talk to the girl about my facial hair, which i think was a pair of long sideburns and a little jazzpatch, and concluded with saying 'well, i certainly wouldnt like to kiss him, good luck'.
nice one your highness, you certainly made my day with your pleasant manner! but i diddnt come away feeling too bad, by the end of the week the girl i was with had cheated on her boyfriend with me, so yah boo sucks to you, your maj, she was only too happy to dish out a few kisses. you cunt!
(Fri 4th Aug 2006, 20:01, More)
princess margret, or anne....the one that is still alive
i met a year or so back. i was dressed up as a member of the gentry from around the time of the battle of trafalgar in a historical recreation scene at the international festival of the sea in portsmouth. anyway, she came down to see things, and she came over to say hello to me and this girl i was supposed to be marrying in this little reinactment. she then proceded to talk to the girl about my facial hair, which i think was a pair of long sideburns and a little jazzpatch, and concluded with saying 'well, i certainly wouldnt like to kiss him, good luck'.
nice one your highness, you certainly made my day with your pleasant manner! but i diddnt come away feeling too bad, by the end of the week the girl i was with had cheated on her boyfriend with me, so yah boo sucks to you, your maj, she was only too happy to dish out a few kisses. you cunt!
(Fri 4th Aug 2006, 20:01, More)
» Fancy Dress
christmas hi-jinkery
Well, after being given the theme of 'christmas carols' to dress up to for a christmas party. i decided to go, in tipical silly goon style, as mary christmas, and the costume comprised of a father christmas hat, a pair of stockings and some red knickers. after getting dolled up in the sluttiest of slutty makeup by the girls in the block next door to me, i was asked by the desperate bar staff to be the father christmas for the party.
I appologise to everyone who had to sit on father christmasses lap who was wearing a beard, eye-liner and lipstick.
im a fellow by the way...
(Fri 13th Jan 2006, 17:39, More)
christmas hi-jinkery
Well, after being given the theme of 'christmas carols' to dress up to for a christmas party. i decided to go, in tipical silly goon style, as mary christmas, and the costume comprised of a father christmas hat, a pair of stockings and some red knickers. after getting dolled up in the sluttiest of slutty makeup by the girls in the block next door to me, i was asked by the desperate bar staff to be the father christmas for the party.
I appologise to everyone who had to sit on father christmasses lap who was wearing a beard, eye-liner and lipstick.
im a fellow by the way...
(Fri 13th Jan 2006, 17:39, More)