Profile for steeev:
Ancient Front Page Message:
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- a member for 23 years, 4 months and 11 days
- has posted 338 messages on the main board
- (of which 1 have appeared on the front page)
- has posted 0 messages on the talk board
- has posted 3 messages on the links board
- has posted 0 stories and 0 replies on question of the week
- They liked 8 pictures, 1 links, 0 talk posts, and 3 qotw answers.
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Ancient Front Page Message:

My First ever front Page :)!

My First ever front Page :)!
Recent front page messages:
the latest fashion from japan

*edit* YAY FRONT PAGE :)! *Click image to enlarge*
(Sun 19th Jan 2003, 0:33, More)

*edit* YAY FRONT PAGE :)! *Click image to enlarge*
(Sun 19th Jan 2003, 0:33, More)
Best answers to questions: