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» Have you ever been dumped in a spectacular way?
I had a mate who worked for social services and he told me the following.
A couple in the midlands were his clients. They were a tad on the loopy side. One evening hubby turns up pissed on a nicked post office van. It was him and 3 mates and a young lady. The 3 mates were needed to balance the post office van as it only had 3 wheels. On arrival hubby jumps out of van legs it into the house and locks his wife in the lounge. Hubby then takes young lady upstairs and starts horizontal gymastics. Meanwhile wife smashes window of lounge, climbs out, lets herself in using the front door keys. She goes upstairs ,knocks out hubby and throws out young lady. She then ties hubby to bonnet of car and drives him up and down the M42 until apologetic noises were heard
this is my first post on this fine forum you like ?
(Fri 18th Jun 2004, 12:54, More)
I had a mate who worked for social services and he told me the following.
A couple in the midlands were his clients. They were a tad on the loopy side. One evening hubby turns up pissed on a nicked post office van. It was him and 3 mates and a young lady. The 3 mates were needed to balance the post office van as it only had 3 wheels. On arrival hubby jumps out of van legs it into the house and locks his wife in the lounge. Hubby then takes young lady upstairs and starts horizontal gymastics. Meanwhile wife smashes window of lounge, climbs out, lets herself in using the front door keys. She goes upstairs ,knocks out hubby and throws out young lady. She then ties hubby to bonnet of car and drives him up and down the M42 until apologetic noises were heard
this is my first post on this fine forum you like ?
(Fri 18th Jun 2004, 12:54, More)