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» Local Nutters
quite tragic really
young lady, a smack addict (inner west train line of Sydney) carrying an aged/yellowing polaroid of an infant
and i quote
"change for the baby"
sunken dead eyes, an animated corpse.
breaks your heart.
(Fri 17th Sep 2004, 11:31, More)
quite tragic really
young lady, a smack addict (inner west train line of Sydney) carrying an aged/yellowing polaroid of an infant
and i quote
"change for the baby"
sunken dead eyes, an animated corpse.
breaks your heart.
(Fri 17th Sep 2004, 11:31, More)
» Pure Ignorance
National Youth Science Forum
I attended the pre Rio Tinto NYSF mixer/social in my senior year - geeky kids, talking science/careers and the upcoming science forum.
The room was quiet, i approached the group and commented: 'it's like someone has died..' silence followed, one of the group pulled me aside and explained that a rather bright girl set to do our orientation (who had attended the last year's forum) was killed in a car accident the day before. bollocks.
(Sun 9th Jan 2005, 1:42, More)
National Youth Science Forum
I attended the pre Rio Tinto NYSF mixer/social in my senior year - geeky kids, talking science/careers and the upcoming science forum.
The room was quiet, i approached the group and commented: 'it's like someone has died..' silence followed, one of the group pulled me aside and explained that a rather bright girl set to do our orientation (who had attended the last year's forum) was killed in a car accident the day before. bollocks.
(Sun 9th Jan 2005, 1:42, More)
» World's Most Hated Food
there are a few...
offal - i once had a steak and kidney pie, i thought it was a plain steak pie. how embarassing it was when i asked why the meat had a different texture to normal. my response (to the answer to my question) was me vomiting all over our tea room table at work.
pork and bacon - the smell of pork being roasted/ bacon being cooked reminds me of really really dirty urinals, cue urge to vomit. no, in case you are wondering, i can't get a forkfull within arms length - and no, i am not prevented from eating this shite because of religion - it is a matter of personal taste.
sandwich pickles - the yellow slimy shite in a jar. it is sickly sweet and should not be considered fit to accompany anything between two slices of bread.
there is so much more that could be mentioned....
edit * i feel that jakfruit (not sure if the spelling is correct) should also be included. these 'fruits' can weigh in at 10-20kg (i shit you not) and have a tendency to cause injury throughout SE asia - falling fruit etc. the flesh has a distinct aroma not unlike rotting corpses, asians really love this stuff, it is considered to be a delicacy. after sampling it i came to the conclusion that western and asian tastes are at opposite ends of the spectrum. your mother told you to never suck your sweaty/manky toes..... this is not far off i guess.
oh, and mayonnaise. this stuff is so wrong. its appearance and smell are nothing short of suspect. surely french men could just use tissues like the rest of us. i can't believe that there is a market for it...
..of course some olives smell like the devil's own diarrhoea. this tends to prevent taste testing....
(Sat 17th Jul 2004, 11:50, More)
there are a few...
offal - i once had a steak and kidney pie, i thought it was a plain steak pie. how embarassing it was when i asked why the meat had a different texture to normal. my response (to the answer to my question) was me vomiting all over our tea room table at work.
pork and bacon - the smell of pork being roasted/ bacon being cooked reminds me of really really dirty urinals, cue urge to vomit. no, in case you are wondering, i can't get a forkfull within arms length - and no, i am not prevented from eating this shite because of religion - it is a matter of personal taste.
sandwich pickles - the yellow slimy shite in a jar. it is sickly sweet and should not be considered fit to accompany anything between two slices of bread.
there is so much more that could be mentioned....
edit * i feel that jakfruit (not sure if the spelling is correct) should also be included. these 'fruits' can weigh in at 10-20kg (i shit you not) and have a tendency to cause injury throughout SE asia - falling fruit etc. the flesh has a distinct aroma not unlike rotting corpses, asians really love this stuff, it is considered to be a delicacy. after sampling it i came to the conclusion that western and asian tastes are at opposite ends of the spectrum. your mother told you to never suck your sweaty/manky toes..... this is not far off i guess.
oh, and mayonnaise. this stuff is so wrong. its appearance and smell are nothing short of suspect. surely french men could just use tissues like the rest of us. i can't believe that there is a market for it...
..of course some olives smell like the devil's own diarrhoea. this tends to prevent taste testing....
(Sat 17th Jul 2004, 11:50, More)