b3ta.com user robotrob
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» Shoddy Presents

For Christmas when I was 21. Coal. A fucking bag of coal. From a garage.
(Thu 23rd Sep 2004, 14:24, More)

» World's Most Hated Food

Bird Shit
I know it's not technically food, but..I was running about as a kid, typically with my mouth wide open and suddenly got this vile, bitter, greasy taste in my mouth. I spat it out and saw it was a glob of bird shit!

I guess you have to admire the bird's aim..all the same though, fucking hell.
(Thu 15th Jul 2004, 11:33, More)

» I just don't get it

I politely ignore them as they talk gibberish and end every sentence with 'man', the way they pretend to be 'Gangstas' and threaten each other by saying how they are going to turn their mom's into crack addicts and 'shag yer leg' (whatever THAT means).
I am perplexed by their graffitti, apparantley Baby Lips, MizUnderstood and The Turkey Posse travel on my bus to work.
I am aghast at their fashion choices; velour tracksuits in pink and pastel blue??
'Shitcatchers?'! Why pull normal trousers down below your arse to pretend it's 'prison fashion' not to wear a belt. You can buy baggy jeans now that fit like that without looking like you've pappered yer sen!
(Fri 1st Apr 2005, 15:32, More)

» World's Most Hated Food

Chicken Korma
Looks and tastes exactly the same going down your throat as it does coming back up again.

Goat Curry. Tried it once and just got a huge mouthful of fat, gagged and unfortunately spat it back in to the pot it was cooking in. Didn't tell 'em, just let 'em eat it...povs.
(Thu 15th Jul 2004, 11:28, More)

» World's Most Hated Food

Believe it or not I used to work at Buckingham Palace. To make up for the awful wages, the canteen tried to be really posh and come up with "exotic" dishes. After a huge night out my mate struggled to lunch and ordered something as safe and bland as possible to help his toxic belly. So he gets the dish of the day which looks like mushrooms and rice. Wasn't mushrooms though was it...fucking chicken livers. He nearly died after the first mouthful and damn near broke his neck running to the loo to puke.

Chicken fuckin livers.
(Tue 13th Jul 2004, 9:39, More)
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