b3ta.com user egg_fried_rice
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» My sex misconceptions

I am a student...
..but also work in a large health club part time on for the food/bar department to fund my unconditional love of booze/other filthy student habits.

We have a very high turnover of staff at this gym, and only a couple of months ago, took on a number of new staff, particularly on reception.

Wishing to appease 'equality in the workplace' measures, the powers that be had decided that it would be wise to employ an outrageously extrovert transexual, who we shall here call 'X'.

Living and working oop norf, there were a number of, shall we say, 'traditionalists' working at the club, who said employee managed to rub up (suit you sir) the wrong way, by doing not much more than being his/her-self.

On a staff night out (which are fairly regular occurrences), I got talking to our sexually ambiguous protagonist - nothing more than a friendly chat trying to make him/her feeling welcome - and thought nothing of it until the next day at work.

Cue a number of snide remarks and raised eyebrows being cast in my direction. It did not take long before X was referred to as 'eggy's X' - implying we were an item;

My sex misc. on 'ception.

(Fri 26th Sep 2008, 0:37, More)