Profile for stellarpioneer:
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- a member for 20 years, 7 months and 4 days
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- They liked 231 pictures, 96 links, 0 talk posts, and 223 qotw answers.
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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» My Worst Date
Best mate's girlfriend
I agreed to take my best mate's girlfriend out for a drink while he went off to a jazz club. On the way to the pub I managed to crash my car so we went back to their place. My mate was still out so we sat talking and ended up kissing, but nothing else. I thought nothing more of it, but she felt guilty and told my mate so after having a go at me he didn't talk to me for a couple of months; which was difficult because we worked in the same office.
(Wed 27th Oct 2004, 13:21, More)
Best mate's girlfriend
I agreed to take my best mate's girlfriend out for a drink while he went off to a jazz club. On the way to the pub I managed to crash my car so we went back to their place. My mate was still out so we sat talking and ended up kissing, but nothing else. I thought nothing more of it, but she felt guilty and told my mate so after having a go at me he didn't talk to me for a couple of months; which was difficult because we worked in the same office.
(Wed 27th Oct 2004, 13:21, More)