Profile for Geoff the Clownfish:
Male 40 living in London but originally.....WELSH!! Come here most days for a chuckle.
And here's the proof
And again
And so it continues
Immortalised as a class of deviancy by emvee.It's all in the small print...
I'm a proud member of:
And here's the proof
Geoff & a Clownfish!
Aphex 'filtered' me, the dirrty boy:
Me, vectored by the lovely In Vino Veritas:

I've been zombified by HappyToast:

I unpleasanted J Peasemould Gruntfuttock:
My 2nd b3taday - much cake
Lunch of the day - huspag!
And from the very qualified deputy - the Puke of Drunes!
Aaannd when Duke & Puke were missing Mugatu stepped in.
Lunch of the day again - on International Talk Like A Pirate Day. Yarrr!
I'm a snitch, apparently
I was proud to be part of this by The Great Architect:
Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
[read all their answers]
- a member for 20 years, 6 months and 17 days
- has posted 15569 messages on the main board
- has posted 1 messages on the talk board
- has posted 11 messages on the links board
- (including 3 links)
- has posted 60 stories and 217 replies on question of the week
- They liked 686 pictures, 22 links, 2 talk posts, and 50 qotw answers. [RSS feed]
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Male 40 living in London but originally.....WELSH!! Come here most days for a chuckle.
And here's the proof
And again
And so it continues
Immortalised as a class of deviancy by emvee.It's all in the small print...
I'm a proud member of:
And here's the proof
Geoff & a Clownfish!

Aphex 'filtered' me, the dirrty boy:
Me, vectored by the lovely In Vino Veritas:

I've been zombified by HappyToast:

I unpleasanted J Peasemould Gruntfuttock:
My 2nd b3taday - much cake
Lunch of the day - huspag!
And from the very qualified deputy - the Puke of Drunes!
Aaannd when Duke & Puke were missing Mugatu stepped in.
Lunch of the day again - on International Talk Like A Pirate Day. Yarrr!
I'm a snitch, apparently
I was proud to be part of this by The Great Architect:

Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» Random Acts of Kindness
An old lady at the cashpoint asked me to check her balance
So I pushed her
(Fri 10th Feb 2012, 11:41, More)
An old lady at the cashpoint asked me to check her balance
So I pushed her
(Fri 10th Feb 2012, 11:41, More)
» Turning into your parents
I've had a young relative staying for a while who likes to put all the lights on
and have to bite my tongue or exclaim like my dear dead Dad:
'It's like Blackpool illuminations in here!'
(Thu 30th Apr 2009, 14:02, More)
I've had a young relative staying for a while who likes to put all the lights on
and have to bite my tongue or exclaim like my dear dead Dad:
'It's like Blackpool illuminations in here!'
(Thu 30th Apr 2009, 14:02, More)
» Putting the Fun in Funeral
Simple really
If God hadn't intended people to snigger like Beavis & Butthead at funerals he wouldn't get the priest to say the word 'succour'.
That is all.
(Thu 11th May 2006, 13:56, More)
Simple really
If God hadn't intended people to snigger like Beavis & Butthead at funerals he wouldn't get the priest to say the word 'succour'.
That is all.
(Thu 11th May 2006, 13:56, More)