b3ta.com user Dr. Lucien Sanchez
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» Losing Your Virginity

Deutschland uber alles
Apologies in advance, it's going to be a long one, and probably only serves to reinforce some myths, but hey ho...

There I was, aged 16 on an exchange trip to a small town in Germany. I had made a conscious decision to put aside my prejudices regarding our teutonic friends and take everyone I met at face value. Apart from the odd stare here and there, all was good. Until, as horny teenagers are wont to do, groups would arrange to meet up at an understanding host family's house, or in a bar. This was when the questions started...

Do you live in a ghetto? Where do you keep your gun? Can you do a rap for us later on? It was one step away from "You people are almost normal!" Coming from a small english market town, I was used to some ignorance, but this was pushing it. It put me off all the girls that I had met until...

One of the german guy's sister turns up. Kristina. Nineteen, blonde, nigh-on six feet tall and to my eyes then (and with the benefit of hindsight)every sixteen year old boy's perfect wank fantasy. She strolled over to our table, did brief introductions, then for reason's that would soon become apparent took a very healthy interest in yours truly. I couldn't believe it, this vision wanted me, I was having difficulty holding it together. Then she started with the usual idiotic questions I had been asked all week.

I still haven't quite forgiven myself for what I did next, yes, I played along. As the lies spilled from my mouth, she was getting more and more turned on and touchy-feely. She suggested that she drive me back to her flat to continue the discussion...

It turned out that almost every bloke in the town had been after her for years, but she had never slept with any of them as she didn't want to be reminded of it everytime she saw them, or give bragging rights. She wanted something special, exotic and a little bit dangerous for her first time. ME!

What happened next still remains a bit of a blur and trust me, I have reminisced about it enough times that it should be crystal clear but isn't. It was like a page from a pornographer's handbook come to life. She lit candles, set the music low, then started undressing. She was stunning, I was stunned. She then did things to me I wasn't sure were legal for about half an hour, until we finally did the deed. Which understandbly didn't last long, but she didn't seem to care.

After a few molests and kisses, she dropped me back at the bar and drove off. I don't think anything has ever surpassed the feeling I had at that moment. Apart from the knowledge that most of the male population of that town would know very quickly that it was me that finally deflowered Kristina.
(Thu 3rd Mar 2005, 13:44, More)