b3ta.com user azulvandal
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» Heckles

Stephen Lynch
a while ago I went and saw Stephen Lynch, who plays guitar and sings offensive songs, very funny.

anyway some drunk kept heckling from the back until finally stephen stopped and said, "i don't go down to your job and slap the cock out of your mouth, so why don't you shut the fuck up and let me play?"

it was pretty amazing. the rest of the night went on quite well.
(Fri 7th Apr 2006, 16:55, More)

» You're a moviestar baby

a porn movie called the cheerleaders was filmed at my high school in 1970-something.

(unbeknownst to them that it was a porn) my step mom was an extra... and her brother was also featured as a journalist for the newspaper.

and my brother was an extra in beverly hills cop 2 or 3. i think. he played a trick or treater. (which one was that?)
(Fri 12th Nov 2004, 20:27, More)

» Near Death Experiences

i was a really sick kid. by the time i was 4 i had more febrille seizures then you can count on both hands. not to mention having a fever for the first 4 years of my life.

and last year i managed to get mono, strep, and walking pneumonia all at the same time.

i almost dehydrated/starved to death.

i didn't say it was an interesting story.
(Sat 27th Nov 2004, 18:56, More)

» You're a moviestar baby

some MORE.
our friend jesse ibarra was in the movie the fan. he played the pitcher whose sole line was "FUCK YOU" and then he spat.

he got paid a good thousand dollars for it though.

i also had my back on the news once. the womans world cup soccer team was coming back from wherever, and our soccer team was greeting them. (for whatever reason)
(Fri 12th Nov 2004, 23:11, More)