Profile for Happosai:
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- a member for 20 years, 4 months and 2 days
- has posted 2166 messages on the main board
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- has posted 6 stories and 4 replies on question of the week
- They liked 804 pictures, 1124 links, 0 talk posts, and 0 qotw answers. [RSS feed]
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/V\ =(@;@)= ~(,,)
Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» I'm Sorry I've Written A Joke
How does Batman's mum tell him his dinner is ready?
She doesn't, she was murdered!!!
(Sat 15th Sep 2018, 22:12, More)
How does Batman's mum tell him his dinner is ready?
She doesn't, she was murdered!!!
(Sat 15th Sep 2018, 22:12, More)
» Ripped Off
eBaying for fun and profit
Bought an Aphex Twin T-shirt off the Warp Records website a few years back.
They accidentally sent me two.
Put the spare one on eBay.
The winning bid was ten quid more than it cost to buy directly from Warp.
Double win! (^_^)
Moral: check first whether that eBay 'bargain' really is a bargain...
(Thu 15th Feb 2007, 21:24, More)
eBaying for fun and profit
Bought an Aphex Twin T-shirt off the Warp Records website a few years back.
They accidentally sent me two.
Put the spare one on eBay.
The winning bid was ten quid more than it cost to buy directly from Warp.
Double win! (^_^)
Moral: check first whether that eBay 'bargain' really is a bargain...
(Thu 15th Feb 2007, 21:24, More)
» I'm Sorry I've Written A Joke
What do vivisectionists wear on their feet?
Open-toad sandals!
(Thu 30th Nov 2023, 18:21, More)
What do vivisectionists wear on their feet?
Open-toad sandals!
(Thu 30th Nov 2023, 18:21, More)
» I'm Sorry I've Written A Joke
Sad news about Shakin' Stevens....
...he's got Parkinson's...
(Sat 15th Sep 2018, 22:17, More)
Sad news about Shakin' Stevens....
...he's got Parkinson's...
(Sat 15th Sep 2018, 22:17, More)
» I'm Sorry I've Written A Joke
Nigel Kennedy,
he was a kiddie fiddler...
(Sat 15th Sep 2018, 22:10, More)
Nigel Kennedy,
he was a kiddie fiddler...
(Sat 15th Sep 2018, 22:10, More)