Profile for Mousing:
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- a member for 20 years, 5 months and 16 days
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I am a person

Recent front page messages:
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» I just don't get it
I went to the dentist today
and she joked "I'm just going to take the tooth out and fiddle around with it for a bit then put it back in again," to which i politely replied "Okay." There was a silent pause while both me and her realised that I am a retard.
(Thu 31st Mar 2005, 16:29, More)
I went to the dentist today
and she joked "I'm just going to take the tooth out and fiddle around with it for a bit then put it back in again," to which i politely replied "Okay." There was a silent pause while both me and her realised that I am a retard.
(Thu 31st Mar 2005, 16:29, More)