b3ta.com user saul
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Profile for saul:
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Hello. My name is Saul. Today is my one week anniversary of beeing a b3tan.

Heres the first ever pic I posted to b3ta.

My second ever picture I posted to b3ta
ugly weird looking pagan hippie type woman
for all of you who doubted the paganess of the woman

Five random things: can, wolf, book, pencil, and alien.

The other day I was worried that I was going mad. But then I went to a psychiatrist and it was Sigmund Freud and I sat on his couch and he told me I was perfectly sane, then he turned into an ostrich wearing a red high healed shoe on one foot and a slipper on the other. Then he invented the DVD player and the catfish.

click here for NSFW version of the above image

Old man Steptoe the Lego Vampire Slayer will save the man horse with an apple head from the hedgehogs.

Old Woman/young woman

On my holiday
I was dissapointed not to seee any of the famous tiger-headed-sheep but I did manage to take this photograph of the the bay..

FACT Thom Yorke is a sheepshagger NSFW

clicky here to embiggen picture.

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