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» When were you last really scared?
4x school mates + parents out for evening + current fad =
A dark, stormy night and there we were, seated around a candle-lit kitchen table with a wine glass and a makeshift OUIJA/SPIRIT board.
'Are there any spirits abroad to-night?' - Y-E-S. (alright!)
'Will you identify yourself?' - Y-E-S. (gulp!) pause, J-I-M-I.
A discussion ensues...'What sort of shaggin' name is that?.' and, 'Just our bleedin' luck to get an illiterate ghost.' - Worldlywise me opines; 'Hang on, Jimi Hendrix just died recently', a short respectful silence falls...then we continue...
'Will you appear to us?' - Y-E-S. (More gulps and a couple of nervous farts.)
CRASH! - the back door bursts open and a neighbour bursts in...'Thank the fuckin' Christ for that, I thought the house was on fire - you young shaggin' eejits!'
Result; 2x filled underpants, 1x dead faint and a semi-catatonic vegetable - me - I could'nt move or speak for over an hour.
Have I meddled with the black arts since? - er, no.
(Fri 23rd Feb 2007, 9:57, More)
4x school mates + parents out for evening + current fad =
A dark, stormy night and there we were, seated around a candle-lit kitchen table with a wine glass and a makeshift OUIJA/SPIRIT board.
'Are there any spirits abroad to-night?' - Y-E-S. (alright!)
'Will you identify yourself?' - Y-E-S. (gulp!) pause, J-I-M-I.
A discussion ensues...'What sort of shaggin' name is that?.' and, 'Just our bleedin' luck to get an illiterate ghost.' - Worldlywise me opines; 'Hang on, Jimi Hendrix just died recently', a short respectful silence falls...then we continue...
'Will you appear to us?' - Y-E-S. (More gulps and a couple of nervous farts.)
CRASH! - the back door bursts open and a neighbour bursts in...'Thank the fuckin' Christ for that, I thought the house was on fire - you young shaggin' eejits!'
Result; 2x filled underpants, 1x dead faint and a semi-catatonic vegetable - me - I could'nt move or speak for over an hour.
Have I meddled with the black arts since? - er, no.
(Fri 23rd Feb 2007, 9:57, More)