b3ta.com user divadsci
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Best answers to questions:

» Scars with history

I have a rather snazzy scar all the way up my right arm from where a cup of tea was "accidentally" dropped over my poor delicate one year old self.

:edit: decided it needed a picture

(Sun 6th Feb 2005, 18:02, More)

» My first love

She just sent me a text saying "I love you"
Its taken almost a year for her to sort out her shit and decide that I'm awesome but now things are absolutely spifftastic.

She's wonderful, I think I'll answer that with "ditto".
(Thu 20th Oct 2005, 22:10, More)

» The last thing that made me cry

Right now
Having just won a bid for my leeds ticket. £190 as well, cheaper than I was expecting to end up paying.
(Mon 18th Apr 2005, 3:06, More)

» Walkman Flashbacks

My red cell suddenly playing just now...
reminded me of being at a party sometime late last summer. Avoiding Andy's drunken talking of what he did with his younger girlfriend by going on MSN and talking to a random person. Just so happens I'm now going out with that random person. Int life brilliant?
(Tue 29th Mar 2005, 1:16, More)