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Lurker who spends her time posting over here instead
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Lurker who spends her time posting over here instead
Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» Stupid Tourists
Normal tourist, stupid local
On a train from Southampton to Plymouth once I was sat behind a young German tourist. As we were on the bit of track that goes alongside the sea, she said to her friend (in German) something about "look there's people swimming"
At this, an English woman went absolutely mental and started asked the poor girl why she didn't pay taxes (err, because she's on holiday?), and how she should be speaking English in front of the English children. She went on and on so much that the poor German girl was actually crying.
I asked the crazy woman if she would speak Spanish the whole time if she was in Spain, but she very proudly told me she'd never been abroad. Says it all really.
(Sat 9th Jul 2005, 13:55, More)
Normal tourist, stupid local
On a train from Southampton to Plymouth once I was sat behind a young German tourist. As we were on the bit of track that goes alongside the sea, she said to her friend (in German) something about "look there's people swimming"
At this, an English woman went absolutely mental and started asked the poor girl why she didn't pay taxes (err, because she's on holiday?), and how she should be speaking English in front of the English children. She went on and on so much that the poor German girl was actually crying.
I asked the crazy woman if she would speak Spanish the whole time if she was in Spain, but she very proudly told me she'd never been abroad. Says it all really.
(Sat 9th Jul 2005, 13:55, More)
» Look! It's me in the Local Paper
Not me but my little brother
My brother was in the local paper for being banned from our local pub when he was about 4. He threw a crab apple at me which missed and made a tiny crack right in the corner of the pub's window.
Somehow the paper's report turned this into him throwing a stone at the window and breaking it. When the photographer came to take his picture they got a kitkat and smeared the chocolate all over his face. For some reason.
edit: Forgot to mention that the crack was still there 15+ years on, and my brother now spends his holidays working in the pub.
(Fri 11th Feb 2005, 17:33, More)
Not me but my little brother
My brother was in the local paper for being banned from our local pub when he was about 4. He threw a crab apple at me which missed and made a tiny crack right in the corner of the pub's window.
Somehow the paper's report turned this into him throwing a stone at the window and breaking it. When the photographer came to take his picture they got a kitkat and smeared the chocolate all over his face. For some reason.
edit: Forgot to mention that the crack was still there 15+ years on, and my brother now spends his holidays working in the pub.
(Fri 11th Feb 2005, 17:33, More)
» Terrible food
And it stank the house out too
German exchange. Crazy Germans. Gherkin soup.
To this day I can't bear to be near a gherkin. Christ it was foul.
(Fri 18th May 2007, 20:16, More)
And it stank the house out too
German exchange. Crazy Germans. Gherkin soup.
To this day I can't bear to be near a gherkin. Christ it was foul.
(Fri 18th May 2007, 20:16, More)
» My Collection
I have a pile of cinema tickets from every film that I've seen since 1999. I do not know why.
I also have a stack of supermarket receipts from the past year stuck to my fridge, but that started as an aid to budgeting which I think is an good enough excuse.
(Sat 13th Jan 2007, 13:59, More)
I have a pile of cinema tickets from every film that I've seen since 1999. I do not know why.
I also have a stack of supermarket receipts from the past year stuck to my fridge, but that started as an aid to budgeting which I think is an good enough excuse.
(Sat 13th Jan 2007, 13:59, More)
» Birthdays
Ruined holiday *and* birthday
My Grandma decided to die while we were on holiday in France, and I spent my 12th birthday driving back for the funeral
Best birthday? Maybe 19th - my mum took me to Iceland for the day on the day before, and on the birthday itself my Dad came out of hospital having been in for a couple of weeks
(Sat 10th Dec 2005, 21:30, More)
Ruined holiday *and* birthday
My Grandma decided to die while we were on holiday in France, and I spent my 12th birthday driving back for the funeral
Best birthday? Maybe 19th - my mum took me to Iceland for the day on the day before, and on the birthday itself my Dad came out of hospital having been in for a couple of weeks
(Sat 10th Dec 2005, 21:30, More)