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» Job Interviews
Even More Gutted.
I went for a job at the lego shop in birmingham, interview went great, got the job, so was on my first day, surrounded by sprats, when my boss (who happened to be danish)said she'd done the advanced crim check cus i worked with kids, and found out that i was convicted (poss. of cannabis) a yr b4, lot of cursin ensued, infront of said sprats, and i walked out, takin a bionical diorama with me( attached to my baggy sleeve). not funny or ironic, im just really bitter, cus i was in the lego club for four badgerin' years, surely that should have counted for somethin? Lego Bastards.
(Sun 23rd Jan 2005, 5:25, More)
Even More Gutted.
I went for a job at the lego shop in birmingham, interview went great, got the job, so was on my first day, surrounded by sprats, when my boss (who happened to be danish)said she'd done the advanced crim check cus i worked with kids, and found out that i was convicted (poss. of cannabis) a yr b4, lot of cursin ensued, infront of said sprats, and i walked out, takin a bionical diorama with me( attached to my baggy sleeve). not funny or ironic, im just really bitter, cus i was in the lego club for four badgerin' years, surely that should have counted for somethin? Lego Bastards.
(Sun 23rd Jan 2005, 5:25, More)
» Job Interviews
the gutted message
1. i have nothing against the danish..... they invented bacon,
2. i had a lot of tats, thats why the criminal t'ing transpired
3. i hate sprats
4. lego bastards. (they didnt even take into consideration the fact i built the lego technic test car when i was nine (well i got to play with it after my dad did it.)
5. tats means tats
6. as in tats
7. not tits
8. as in boobs
(Sun 23rd Jan 2005, 5:35, More)
the gutted message
1. i have nothing against the danish..... they invented bacon,
2. i had a lot of tats, thats why the criminal t'ing transpired
3. i hate sprats
4. lego bastards. (they didnt even take into consideration the fact i built the lego technic test car when i was nine (well i got to play with it after my dad did it.)
5. tats means tats
6. as in tats
7. not tits
8. as in boobs
(Sun 23rd Jan 2005, 5:35, More)
» Black Sheep
Ashes to Ashes
My dad had his friend over from australia, cus his mum had just died, got cremated, and he was there to pick up the ashes... I Was an impressionable teen at the time so i took his mums ashes and burned them
(Wed 19th Jan 2005, 4:38, More)
Ashes to Ashes
My dad had his friend over from australia, cus his mum had just died, got cremated, and he was there to pick up the ashes... I Was an impressionable teen at the time so i took his mums ashes and burned them
(Wed 19th Jan 2005, 4:38, More)