b3ta.com user GingerDemon
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Profile for GingerDemon:
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Hey-ho. Sim here, aka the Gingerest of Demons...

Tools of choice Photoshop and Flash.

Fancy-la... I have no life, and as such will listen to anything you say...

Recent front page messages:


Best answers to questions:

» The passive-aggressive guilt trip

It's not normally something I do, but...
A lad I knew back in the days of secondary school was being a cock to me, constantly taking the piss. Being a young fella of the ginger persuasion I was used to mockings, and it didnt bother me as such. Seeing that I wasnt fazed, he moved onto the old favourite of "I had your mum last night, she was great, etc" raising chuckles from his small group of moron henchman. I decided enough was enough, and said over my shoulder, just loud enough for the rest of my classmates to hear as well, "You must've been fucking the urn then mate."

Only time I've ever used any of my crap life facts, but it shut him the fuck up.
(Wed 19th Oct 2005, 19:50, More)

» School Sports Day

Almost like Camoflage...
Being the stocky kid can occasionally pay off. Everyone else had gone through their obligatory growth spurt leaving me to tramp around in a Land of the Giants style existence, relegated to the fatties/spotties/sickies bargaining camp (we'll take him if you take those two), waiting to catch up. However it was that year our Sports lessons (we had PE AND Sports, Sports was basically PE with a point) were upgraded so we could actually make physical contact (anyone who's played 'touch' rugby knows how unsatisfying that is). So the Rugby time rolls around, and we're being taught how to tackle. Suddenly the benefits of being a heavy short-arse pays off and I get a tad over excited during the 'test' in which we had to tackle the PE teacher to prove we knew how to tackle. I barrelled into the guy and carried him a full six feet before slamming him into the ground. Not suprisingly I suddenly became an authorised team picker after that. Huzzah!
(Wed 5th Apr 2006, 14:59, More)

» My computer gave away my secrets

Not me o' course
Having had the sole PC in a house of completely computer illiterate people, i never had any probs keeping the naughty stash hidden. However, a mate of mine had a father who was very much PC savvy. As such, one time around his house I found a lone un boxed CD amidst his music colelcton, with a set of four greek letters daubed on it. I wasnt sure what amused me more - That he had had to label the CD to remind himself of its contents, or that he'd attempted to be doubly cunning and label it 'pron' =]
(Sun 12th Feb 2006, 18:02, More)