Profile for i love pie. Maybe too much. like mc hammer:
Using nothing but a washing up bottle and a pair of pliers, i will force the band steps to do my bidding and take over the world....
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Using nothing but a washing up bottle and a pair of pliers, i will force the band steps to do my bidding and take over the world....
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» In the Army Now - The joy of the Armed Forces
uk forces.
on a range somewhere in darkest surrey...
a section of us rather badly hungover supposedly firing at targets... cue a small poodle running in front of us. poodle disintegrates. we piss ourselves.
putting poodle into carrier bag to give back to owner, slightly less fun.
great fun though. hated every second.
(Fri 24th Mar 2006, 15:54, More)
uk forces.
on a range somewhere in darkest surrey...
a section of us rather badly hungover supposedly firing at targets... cue a small poodle running in front of us. poodle disintegrates. we piss ourselves.
putting poodle into carrier bag to give back to owner, slightly less fun.
great fun though. hated every second.
(Fri 24th Mar 2006, 15:54, More)
» Black Sheep
mmm, black sheep
After getting the lowest score in a sociology As level in the history of my college, they asked me to leave, cue large bender ending up in south America with a stupid tatoo. Then moved to France and after another bender woke up next to "crazy Spanish Chick" who i was engaged to ??? with yet another tatoo...managed to disappear luckily, by ignoring her for 6 months. Now in England joining the army. Safely to say, my university loving, normal family dont talk to me much. Taxi for one?
(Tue 18th Jan 2005, 10:50, More)
mmm, black sheep
After getting the lowest score in a sociology As level in the history of my college, they asked me to leave, cue large bender ending up in south America with a stupid tatoo. Then moved to France and after another bender woke up next to "crazy Spanish Chick" who i was engaged to ??? with yet another tatoo...managed to disappear luckily, by ignoring her for 6 months. Now in England joining the army. Safely to say, my university loving, normal family dont talk to me much. Taxi for one?
(Tue 18th Jan 2005, 10:50, More)