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Yorkshire born and bred!
Saying what I like and bloody well liking what I say...!

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Yorkshire born and bred!
Saying what I like and bloody well liking what I say...!

mi site
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» Scars with history
3 years old, see my first icecream van, run in the house, run upstairs to see where my dad is "Ahhh, probably in the shitter as usual", run in there, slip on the mat, crash down on the bog seat and my teeth slice off the right part of my tongue! :(
(Fri 4th Feb 2005, 11:41, More)
3 years old, see my first icecream van, run in the house, run upstairs to see where my dad is "Ahhh, probably in the shitter as usual", run in there, slip on the mat, crash down on the bog seat and my teeth slice off the right part of my tongue! :(
(Fri 4th Feb 2005, 11:41, More)