b3ta.com user BiggusBaddus
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» I just don't get it

Unfunny Cunts
Little Britain - The media just expects & almost forces us to love this bag of shite. British comedy is in a real bad fucking way if this is the saviour.

I just don't get it.
(Sat 2nd Apr 2005, 0:38, More)

» Claims to Fame

Short tempered hero
They probably still do this, but back in the early eighties, me (8yrs) & my brother (10yrs) went to our local swimming pool for a David Wilkie "Swimathon" style of thing. When you get there you get the chance to have your photo taken with the great Olympian himself.

I remember joking with my bro that by the time we reached the end of the the slow moving queue the film would run out in the camera - it did.

He went fucking ballistic & lost the plot with the poor camera fella.

In amongst all the other bemused & crying urchins, I realised that to be a winner in life, you sometimes have to be a real cunt.

Take a bow Wilkie - you mad, bad, crazy bastard. I now swear like a fucking trooper because of you.
(Fri 25th Feb 2005, 23:43, More)

» Claims to Fame

Once met Oliver Reed in Blackpool while on holiday a good few years back. I think he was filming near there. It was during the day & I was the one who was well spannered - thought it was a good idea to ask for an autograph.

Yeah, you guessed it, he told me to "Fuck off!"

Don't want to sound juvenile, but I never liked the alky prick anyway!!
(Fri 25th Feb 2005, 21:25, More)