b3ta.com user misterspicoli
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Married with Children... raps!!!
Back in 1993/4, I was out one night with my then girlfriend at a tuesday night techno club (in sydney) when we were accosted by these two short arses asking us if we knew where any hip hop was played. They said that they were big stars in the US, and were out here trying to promote their crappy album of whitey white hip hop. The slightly taller one then started coming on very strong to my girly with lines like "your fingers taste like blueberries", and then he tried to lick them - needless to say, we chased these two idiot hosers out of the club.

Who were they? well the littlest one was the son out of Married With Children, and mister Blueberry Fingers turned out to be River Phoenixes brother - I at that time he was calling himelf Rain or Log or something.
(Fri 25th Feb 2005, 2:55, More)