b3ta.com user The Lord of the Manor
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» Your Weirdest Teacher

the same school that the legendary mr scudamore is at has loads of mental teachers.

there's mr potts the history teacher who apparantly used to swear at everybody but now goes around asking people to scream in the corridor or do they like oranges.

mr batch who's head of PE who is the second fattest and most obese person on Earth after Mr Chinn the Food Tech teacher.

Theres Mr Pearson who sounds like someone on helium with a sore throat and Mr Lovely who is totally incomprehensible to understand.

Mr Sinclair is a total scally and goes round walking like one aswell. Mr Fenna who has half a finger and Mr Mair who is off his face on drugs and tells us what drugs he's taken.

And this week my biology homework was to bring in a heart for dissection as the school can't afford one
(Fri 11th Nov 2005, 19:53, More)