b3ta.com user esther
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What odd things to you always carry with you?
In about 1985 me and my brother in law were in Sydney, pissed as fuck, outside our motel. There was a big stonking Mercedes car parked outside our room, taking up our car space and so we decided to play with it. He said, Look at this, this is how well designed these cars are, that you can't steal the little roundy bit from the front, and bugger both of us, it came off in his hand.

I've carried that Mercedes logo in my handbag as a good luck token ever since. That night though, needless to say, we ran like fuck in case the car owner came outside and tried to beat us up. We also never told my sister or my mother what we'd done. But from time to time when I see him, I get it out of my handbag in a secret manner, and we piss ourselves with secret laughter.
(Sat 29th Oct 2005, 14:08, More)