Profile for belafron:
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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» Best Graffiti Ever
University of York Graffiti
On the outside wall of one of the dining rooms ...
"Destroy this Message"
also shoddily daubed on a wall...
and underneath
(Mon 7th May 2007, 16:09, More)
University of York Graffiti
On the outside wall of one of the dining rooms ...
"Destroy this Message"
also shoddily daubed on a wall...
and underneath
(Mon 7th May 2007, 16:09, More)
» Injured Siblings
Fighting with Tom
My younger brother (by 2 years) and me were always play fighting when we were younger. I have knocked out on of his teeth with my knee when we were fighting on our parent's bouncy bed (not so bouncy afterwards!) Got into a bit of trouble for that. There was also me pushing him over when we were on a dry ski slope and him catching his thumb in one of the holes (if you have ever seen one of these then you will know what i mean) and breaking it. Felt pretty bad about that!
pop (sound of b3ta cherry popping; no more lurking for me!)
(Thu 18th Aug 2005, 13:05, More)
Fighting with Tom
My younger brother (by 2 years) and me were always play fighting when we were younger. I have knocked out on of his teeth with my knee when we were fighting on our parent's bouncy bed (not so bouncy afterwards!) Got into a bit of trouble for that. There was also me pushing him over when we were on a dry ski slope and him catching his thumb in one of the holes (if you have ever seen one of these then you will know what i mean) and breaking it. Felt pretty bad about that!
pop (sound of b3ta cherry popping; no more lurking for me!)
(Thu 18th Aug 2005, 13:05, More)