Profile for wangolini:
EMAIL [email protected]
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- a member for 23 years, 3 months and 29 days
- has posted 208 messages on the main board
- (of which 29 have appeared on the front page)
- has posted 0 messages on the talk board
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- They liked 0 pictures, 0 links, 0 talk posts, and 0 qotw answers.
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EMAIL [email protected]

Recent front page messages:
this is my friend Fluffy

she comes to me on tuesday nights and whispers to me about the bad people...
(Fri 12th Apr 2002, 15:32, More)

she comes to me on tuesday nights and whispers to me about the bad people...
(Fri 12th Apr 2002, 15:32, More)
whenever im depressed
i like to think of chesney hawkes dressed as barbara cartland carrying a portable llama

or is that just me...
(Wed 27th Feb 2002, 8:38, More)
i like to think of chesney hawkes dressed as barbara cartland carrying a portable llama

or is that just me...
(Wed 27th Feb 2002, 8:38, More)

in a kind of under the cupboard post appocalyptic and still stairing at me with its tiny eyes sort of way
(Wed 16th Jan 2002, 14:16, More)

in a kind of under the cupboard post appocalyptic and still stairing at me with its tiny eyes sort of way
(Wed 16th Jan 2002, 14:16, More)
Best answers to questions: